Our Constitutional Right is to Breathe Free

From a natural health practitioner and teacher:

From birth we are immersed in Earth's atmosphere, taking in the wonderful oxygen-rich air. From that moment on, we should enjoy our natural birthright to breathe deeply and freely.

Yoga, Zen Meditation, Tai Chi, and athletics, every health discipline, tells us how important it is to breath deeply. We use upright postures to ensure there is no obstruction. This is basic. Natural health 101.

Sick people stay indoors if their sickness is febrile or a risk to others. For them too, free breathing of fresh, clean air is necessary to regain health.

Healthy people need to maintain their health, by staying active, eating unprocessed, uncontaminated natural foods, and by going outside and breathing fresh air.

Obstructing our airway reduces levels of oxygen in our blood. This depresses us, mentally, phyiscally, and spiritually. No one who is sincerely concerned with our health would tell us to restrict our access to oxygen by puting masks over our faces for hours.

Unnatural Social Consequences of Directives from 'Health Officials'

We use body language for over half of our communications, a large part of which consists of facial expressions. Getting the whole nation to strap masks over their faces is an obvious ploy to inhibit and reduce communication with each other. Not the least of which is political discourse and progressive activism.

The 2020 Election Didn't Help—It's On Us Now

In the run-up to the 2020 elections the DNC ensured that no prgressive candidate would win the Presidency. Today administrative attacks on democracy continue. The rats and offal that have taken over our highest offices, departments, and administrations, want nothing more than to derail the election process and curtail local laws and ordinances that limit their power.

Wake Up and Turn Off the Television

It is time to stand up, pull off the masks, and say no to media-induced hysteria. Open our shops, go to work, get together to stand against government tyranny.

Resume the Practice of Listening

We need to value and rely upon one another.

The worst effect of television, radical talk shows, and too many contemporary movies, is the pose of self-assumed superiority: automatic, shoot-from-the-hip dismissal of others' words and ideas. Too many conversations are short-circuited when someone slaps a label on the other and stops listening.

We need to talk, think, and reason, together.

If we cannot find or re-create a common identity as Americans; come together to repair and revive our legal rights under the protection of the Constitution; we will no longer have the Constitution that enabled us to come this far.

Forbid it, almighty God!